First exampleΒΆ

This example will show you how to run your very first experiment using Cornac.

import cornac as cn

# Load MovieLens 100K dataset
ml_100k = cn.datasets.movielens.load_100k()

# Split data based on ratio
ratio_split = cn.eval_methods.RatioSplit(data=ml_100k,

# Here we are comparing: Biased MF, PMF, and BPR
mf = cn.models.MF(k=10, max_iter=25, learning_rate=0.01, lambda_reg=0.02, use_bias=True)
pmf = cn.models.PMF(k=10, max_iter=100, learning_rate=0.001, lamda=0.001)
bpr = cn.models.BPR(k=10, max_iter=200, learning_rate=0.01, lambda_reg=0.01)

# Define metrics used to evaluate the models
mae = cn.metrics.MAE()
rmse = cn.metrics.RMSE()
rec_20 = cn.metrics.Recall(k=20)
ndcg_20 = cn.metrics.NDCG(k=20)
auc = cn.metrics.AUC()

# Put it together into an experiment and run
exp = cn.Experiment(eval_method=ratio_split,
                    models=[mf, pmf, bpr],
                    metrics=[mae, rmse, rec_20, ndcg_20, auc],


  MAE RMSE Recall@20 NDCG@20 AUC Train (s) Test (s)
MF 0.7441 0.9007 0.0622 0.0534 0.2952 0.0736 8.1187
PMF 0.7493 0.9084 0.0835 0.0673 0.4749 358.7642 8.4184
BPR 1.5595 1.8864 0.0744 0.0657 0.5932 2.5395 8.5734